Friday 12 December 2014

8 Kelebihan Solat Tahajud

Solat Tahajud adalah solat yang sangat mulia. Ianya termasuk dalam Solat Sunnat Mu’akad (solat yang dituntut oleh Syara’).

Solat Tahajud boleh dikerjakan paling minima sebanyak dua rakaat dan dilakukan sepanjang malam asalkan pelakunya sempat tertidur. Namun waktu yang paling utama untuk melakukannya adalah pada sepertiga akhir dari malam. Pesanan Dari Imam Nawawi:
“Bila engkau tidak mampu bangun malam untuk SOLAT TAHAJUD, juga tidak mampu berPUASA di siang hari,maka ketahuilah bahawa sesungguhnya engkau telah dihalangi untuk melakukannya kerana MAKSIAT dan DOSA yang membelenggumu. Mohonlah perlindungan maksiat dan dosa dari Allah, kerana Dia lah sebaik-baik pelindung..”

Keajaiban Solat Tahajud
Sejarah telah membuktikan bahawa Rasulullah SAW dan para sahabat selalu melaksanakan Solat Tahajud kerana banyak keajaiban yang terkandung dalam solat tersebut.  Antara 8 keajaiban Solat Tahajud adalah seperti berikut : 
1. Tiket ke Syurga
Abdullah Ibn Muslin berkata “kalimat yang pertama kali ku dengar dari Rasulullah Saw saat itu adalah, “Hai sekalian manusia! Sebarkanlah salam, bagikanlah makanan, sambunglah silaturahmi, tegakkan lah shalat malam saat manusia lainnya sedang tidur, niscaya kalian masuk surga dengan selamat.” (HR. Ibnu Majah).

2. Menjauhi Penyakit
Salman Al Farisi berkata, Rasulullah Saw bersabda, “Dirikanlah solat malam, kerana sesungguhnya solat malam itu adalah kebiasaan orang-orang soleh sebelum kamu,  mendekatkan kamu kepada tuhanmu, penebus perbuatan buruk, mencegah berbuat dosa, danmenghindarkan diri dari penyakit yang menyerang tubuh.” (HR. Ahmad)

3. Mengangkat Darjat Manusia
Rasulullah Saw bersabda, “Jibril mendatangiku dan berkata, “Wahai Muhammad, hiduplah sesukamu, kerana engkau akan mati, cintailah orang yang engkau suka, kerana engkau akan berpisah dengannya, lakukanlah apa keinginanmu, engkau akan mendapatkan balasannya, ketahuilah bahawa sesungguhnya kemuliaan seorang muslim adalah pada solat waktu malam.” (HR. Al Baihaqi)

4. Mendapat Rahmat Allah
Abu Hurairah berkata bahwa Rasulullah Saw bersabda, “Semoga Allah merahmati laki-lakiyang bangun malam, lalu melaksanakan solat dan membangunkan isterinya. Jika si isteri menolak, ia memercikkan air di wajahnya. Juga, merahmati perempuan yang bangun malam, lalu shalat dan membangunkan suaminya. Jika sang suami menolak, ia memercikkan air di wajahnya.” (HR. Abu Daud)

5. Doa Dikabulkan
Allah SWT berjanji akan mengabulkan doa orang-orang yang menunaikan solat Tahajud dengan ikhlas. “Dari Jabir berkata, bahawa Nabi Saw bersabda, “Sesungguhnya di malam hari , ada satu saat yang ketika seorang muslim meminta kebaikan dunia dan akhirat, pasti Allah memberinya, Itu berlangsung setiap malam.” (HR. Muslim)

6. Penghapus dosa 
Dari Abu Umamah al-Bahili berkata bahwa Rasulullah Saw bersabda, “Lakukanlah Qiyamul Lail, karena itu kebiasaan orang saleh sebelum kalian, bentuk taqarub, penghapus dosa, dan penghalang berbuat salah.” (HR. At-Tirmidzi)

7. Menewaskan Syaitan
Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah ra bahawa Rasulullah Saw bersabda, “Syaitan akan mengikat kepala seseorang yang sedang tidur dengan ikatan, menyebabkan kamu tidur dengan cukup lama. Apabila seseorang itu bangkit seraya menyebut nama Allah, maka terlepaslah ikatan pertama, apabila ia berwudhu maka akan terbukalah ikatan kedua, apabila di solat akan terbukalah ikatan semuanya. Dia juga akan merasa bersemangat dan ketenangan jiwa, jika tidak maka dia akan malas dan kekusutan jiwa.”

8. Menjaga Kesihatan Rohani Allah SWT menegaskan bahawa orang yang selalu menunaikan solat Tahajud akan dipelihara peribadinya.
Allah Berfirman, “Dan hamba-hamba Tuhan Yang Maha Penyayang itu (ialah) orang-orang yang berjalan di atas bumi dengan rendah hati dan apabila orang-orang jahil menyapa mereka, mereka mengucapkan kata-kata yang baik. Dan orang yang melewati malam hari dengan bersujud dan berdiri untuk Tuhan mereka.” (QS. Al-Furqan: 63-64)

Jom kita sama-sama menunaikan Solat Tahajud untuk kebahagiaan hidup kita di dunia dan di akhrat

Saturday 25 October 2014

Little Bit About My Family

Thursday 23 October 2014

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Wednesday 22 October 2014

When Social Media Comes To Our Life

When Social media comes to our life

In the past, due to geographical distances and economic concerns, connections between people were limited. However, today there are countless social media that make it possible to form broad connections between people in this world.  A social network is made up of individuals that are connected to one another by a particular type of interdependency. It could be ideas, values, trade or anything. Social Media is the social interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. There are a few popular social networking sites, like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, We chat and whatsapps. For me this new terminology always bring advantages and disadvantages when it’s has come into our life.

 First and foremost, Social networking websites gives people an opportunity to connect world-widely. No matter where country they live they still can make communication through social media. Through such sites, individuals make new friends or business connections or extend their personal base by connecting and interacting with friends of friends and so forth. Apart from that they can stay keep in touch each other even their separate into other places. Just like my condition, I’m still contact with my primary and secondary school friend through Facebook even we are not in same place anymore. With this technology we can exchange information and chatting like we use in past.  We can save money which also helps to reduce the demand of money from parents because we chat for free through this technology.

When Facebook and Twitter first came out, no one could have imagined this technology give great impact on marketing and directly reaching consumers for those who running the business. Through social media, people can start online business under their fingertips with only from site networking such as Twitter and Facebook without worried about business location, premises place and shop rent. Making money online is easy and convenient especially with the wide internet access today. The best part is it that people can spread the promotion about their product, service or idea through social networking profiles for free. People can either make it full-time job or a part-time job to earn extra income. Consumer also get benefit from social media as they do not needed to come out for shopping and allow them to reduce cost.

However, every advantage is always followed by disadvantage. Likewise the social media. Our technology powers increased, but the side effect and potential hazards also escalate. Media social allow risks of fraud or identity thief. An online social networking site is a place where a user can create a profile and build a personal network that connects the user to other users. User are volunteer to give their information about themselves in their social networks account. Whether you like it or not, the information you post on the Internet is available to almost anyone who is clever enough to access it. When your information is being thief it can cause serious problems for you and your credit report. Thieves can apply for a job with your name. They can open credit card accounts, apply for loans. And they can use your current credit cards to fund their lifestyle. It such a nightmare for those who being thief. The emotional stress and trauma of ID fraud may be one of the most devastating effects of identity theft.

I actually think Social media also is a real danger for my life. When I look back on how much time I wasted mindlessly surfing the internet ever since it came up.  Personally, we use social networks to seek information and communicate with people. But we never realized we have spent much time when we update our status and spending valuable time on games, chats or other non-related activities. Sometime, student also skip their homework just because concern to their account Facebook. It is also lead problem relationship between family members when they are less talk each other. Because they always busy with their Facebook, Twitter, Whatapps and so on, they don’t understand other family members problem.

Social media would be a social instrument of communication. Through this site we can connect with people from anywhere, look for information, running business and so on.  This technology give many benefit for us .However it also come with its disadvantage. It depend to us how we use it when we involve our life in this technology.