Tuesday 30 September 2014

Friendship Is Everything For Me

Friends play an important role in my life.Friendship is a relationship which involves mutual self respect, trust, loyalty and affection. Good friends enjoy each others company, share the same interests and are loyal to each other. A friend is some one, who stands by our, even during difficult times. It requires honesty and mutual understanding has to be nurtured with devotion and patience.
Just as it takes patience grow a garden, in friendship, too, first a seed is planted and then it has to be taken care of, nourished and watered, daily. One has to tend it with love and care.
Friendship is a necessary part of every human’s life as none of us is self sufficient. A friend is a trust-worthy companion who cherishes special moments and memories of life with another person.
A good friend plays an active part in his friend’s life. They is happy when their friend is happy. They feels achieved with their friend’s accomplishments. They share affection, which fills them with positive energy, they spend time thinking of their friends, of who is important for them and how to find ways to help them.Friendship requires devoting time and patience. There can be disagreements and quarrels also, which is natural, but one must have till patience to deal with such frustrations. Being reasonable, a forgiving nature! Willingness to compromise when one can and persistence to rebuild friends are needed for a true and lasting relationship.
True friendship cannot flourish! Without a give and take attitude the more the efforts put into it, the morel will lead towards everlasting happiness and trust. Friendship also helps in molding the kind of person you are.
Never rush to make friends because friendship needs a good foundation. We must accept our friend as their are. The essence of friendship is sincerity and giving one’s self to your friend without thinking of getting anything in return. Friends come and go, but a true friend never leaves. They are always around and you can always count on them. Although in life you don’t have many, one or two is all you need. "The greatest gift in life is friendship and i have receive it"


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