Tuesday 21 October 2014

Culture Diversity In Malaysia

The culture of Malaysia draws on the varied cultures of the different people of Malaysia. In the Malaysian context, multicultural society is often portrayed by the three major ethnic groups namely the Malays, Chinese and Indians, and a few ethnic in Sabah and Sarawak like Khadazandusun, kenyah and Iban,. Different ethnicities that exist in Malaysia have their own unique and distinctive cultural identities, with some crossover. There are many benefit living in diversity society. When you are working with people and building relationships with them, it helps to have some perspective and understanding of their cultures. In addition we can exchange of knowledge and experience. Cultural diversity also can build a strong competitive nation.

First and foremost, live in varied culture help us learn and understanding other culture. Understanding can help us overcome and prevent racial and ethnic divisions. Racism exist when perceptions and culture are different between peoples. Good perspective on another culture encourage us to appreciate the uniqueness of other culture and build unity in our society. Learning about cultural differences can actually bring people closer together, because it can reveal important parts of each other live. It can show us how much we have in common as human beings. By meeting and intermingling with other cultures we can add meaning to our own lives and the lives of others, have experiences that we wouldn’t otherwise have, and open our hearts and minds to new places, new ideas, and new people.

Through multicultural society, we can exchange our knowledge and experience. We learn new knowledge and can use them in our daily life by exploring different perspectives and philosophies. For example we can learn new reception from other culture. We learn from people who have different experiences, beliefs and perspectives on things. Whether that’s expressed in food or architecture, it can’t be denied that the point when two cultures meet, they can bring creativity. “Diversity enriches the educational experience ” .Diversity changes stereotypes in communities, what people once thought can easily be changed and can bring the community much closer because of it.

Last but not least, cultural diversity can build a competitive nation. In order to build communities that are powerful enough to attain significant change, we need large numbers of people working together. People from different cultures have to be included in decision-making processes in order for programs or policies to be effective. If cultural groups join forces, they will be more effective in reaching common goals, than if each group operates in isolation. The main aim of managing multiculturalism in Malaysia is to maintain national integration in which all these various cultural communities could live alongside each other while maintaining their own original identities

In a conclusion, cultural diversity encourages us to understand other people's cultures, gain knowledge and experience. Furthermore, multicultural help us to build a more competitive nation. Each of us can build the kinds of communities we dream of. In our families, organizations, institutions, and neighbourhood, we can insist that we won't remain isolated from those who are different from ourselves. We should appreciate the multicultural in our country and learn to work together.


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